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Wishing and Living

The last blog was about engagement- being an active player in life and not a passenger.  A complimentary  discussion therefore involves regret- what we do not do.  Whilst we all determine our prioritise and what gives us meaning there are some common threads to having...


I was talking to a woman about her life and she said “stress is what gets you up in the morning”.  I am still shocked and saddened for her.  Living is what gets me up! Engagement with life is one component of successful or positive ageing, and I would suggest vital...

Calming the brain and mind

Become less stressed as this creates space to develop a landscape view over your life, and calmness to achieve clarity with your thoughts and goals.   By simply focusing on slow and long deep breaths you can stop the stress response (sympathetic nervous system), and...

Free yourself from guilt and enjoy 2014

New Year New Change The festive season and Christmas can be a time of over-indulgence, and the New Year heralds a time for rejuvenation and new goals. For many this time is accepted as a phase and life carries on without self recriminations- even if goals set are not...