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Meaning and purpose

Whether it be through religion, spirituality, or a world view, having a sense of yourself as part of something bigger and that life has meaning is good for your brain, body and mind health.   If you have not thought about what meaning is for you just take some time to...

Make meals a social occasion

Only 25% of Australian families eat together – which robs each family member of valuable time to feel connected, share their experience, explore idea,s and just be together.   Sharing a meal is important and is something humans have done since time immemorial. ...

Murderous menopause

Flaming June.  Menopause is a difficult phase impacting on multiple body and brain systems.  Recently, when talking about menopause, I have meet a few women who felt so overwhelmed by the neuro-chemical changes that they had ‘homicidal’ thoughts.  One even...

Eat rainbows

For a healthy brain mind and body you need to eat a wide variety of fruit and vegetables, plus protein, good oils and low GI carbohydrates to get all essential micro nutrients.  Statistics show that only 5-15% of teens and adults eat enough vegetables. How to get kids...

Connection – add years to your life

Being connected to other people – be they family, friends, or work peers is vital for optimal human flourishing and brain, mind and body health. We are social beings, we have evolved to be part of a group or social network as it insured our survival. The gains...

Teen-brains and alcohol

I have been witness to many conversations between parents about when to introduce alcohol to their children. Some follow the ‘European’ model of introducing alcohol early with family meals, some make it readily available for teen social occasions, and others have a...