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Seniors Week

As older adults participate in Seniors week events I suggest we all pause and consider how we want to age.  What we do now – how we live, think and behave shapes who we will be tomorrow and beyond.  I trust people learn to speak to themselves with kindness and...

Pause to boost performance

Just stop. A simple pause can make a profound difference to how effective we are in any situation or circumstance. In fact pausing will allow you to be reflective and wise rather than reactionary.    -Article by Dr Nicola Gates published in the NSW Law Society...

Type 3 Diabetes

Many of you will have heard about Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus, and Type 2 diabetes, but did you know that medical researchers now identify Type 3! Insulin helps neurons manage and use glucose, especially in the hippocampal formation which is intrinsic to memory...

Connection – add years to your life

Being connected to other people – be they family, friends, or work peers is vital for optimal human flourishing and brain, mind and body health. We are social beings, we have evolved to be part of a group or social network as it insured our survival. The gains...

Prevent dementia

It is fantastic that since the 1800’s human life expectancy has almost doubled due to improved diet and medical advances including immunisations, antibiotics and other medicines and surgical treatment. However, increased life span brings new risks – specifically...