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Managing the menopause transition

Struggling with changes to your brain, mood, and mental equilibrium? I have spent over a year investigating the brain and mind changes associated with menopause and can tell you brain fog is real. The good news – it will pass. My book will be out 2019 but learn...

Nature boost

Feel relaxed when you are outside, looking at trees or walking along the sea? The latest research confirms what you are feeling. That deep sense of relaxation or revitalisation  is due to amazing positive changes within your body and brain.  We are not made to be in...

Seniors Week

As older adults participate in Seniors week events I suggest we all pause and consider how we want to age.  What we do now – how we live, think and behave shapes who we will be tomorrow and beyond.  I trust people learn to speak to themselves with kindness and...

Bloom in 2017

The lotus flower is a symbol of ephemeral life, a precious gift.  Make 2017 a year of increased mindfullness, so you embrace the present, the gift of life each day, and live according to what is important to you.  Remember too that it takes more energy to hang on to...

Get brain fit – fuel to maximise brain function

One of the best ways to get brain fit is to choose the best brain fuel.  A diverse highly nutritious diet will give your brain the energy it needs but also the right ingredients it requires to function.  Feeling sluggish?  Poor attention?  Low mood? these may be signs...

Brain science should be made easy

Do not count your pennies and risk losing your marbles – a simple message that everyone can understand. Starts at 60 on A brain for Life  the review starts at 1’26”.  Thank you Karen for such a lovely review  ...